Saturday 17 April 2010

BNP now mainstream!

Our candidate for Lancaster and Fleetwood, Debra Kent (above) has been invited to attend a election forum by Fleetwood Churches Together. Interestingly the Reverend that is organising this event is the same Reverend that made anti BNP comments in the local press last year, prior to the European Elections.

The event will be taking place on the evening of Monday 19th April at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood. This is also interesting as this venue is a public hall . The last time the BNP held a meeting in a public hall in this area it was the cue for much controversy and really riled our 'friends' in Lancaster. In fact, the controversy is still rumbling on months later

Debra is really looking forward to challenging her rival candidates to break the conspiracy of silence that has been introduced by their respective parties on issues such as Afganistan and mass immigration.

BNP supporters are welcome to attend the Marine Hall on the night at 7pm for what is sure to be an interesting occasion.


  1. Still falling for the anti-BNP media lies?


