Thursday 28 January 2010

One rule for...

Firstly, let us say that we support the decision of Tesco to introduce a dress code in one of their stores Shopping in your nightwear? Come on Britons smarten up and be proud. But reading the article did give rise to a couple of questions, so we sent the below email off to Tesco Customer Services

I read with interest the decision of your St Mellons, Cardiff store to introduce a dress code, prohibiting customers from shopping in nightwear or without footwear. I understand that this is to avoid 'causing offence or embarrassment to others'. Perhaps you could answer a couple of queries I have on this matter?

Firstly, does the no-footwear rule apply to members of religious groups who choose not to wear footwear as part of their faith?

Secondly, I and no doubt many of your other customers am offended by those who wear Islamic dress in your stores, particularly the Burqua and Niqab which cover the wearer's face. Does it follow that you will seek to extend the ban to cover Islamic dress in light of my comments and the offence caused to me?

Yours sincerely
James Clayton

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